About US

fostering integration, cultural exchange, and empowering individuals

At IMIC e.V., our non-profit mission is a testament to fostering integration, cultural exchange, and empowering individuals. Founded in 2010 by Sylvaina Gerlich, our migrant integration programmes and projects have become a trusted force, particularly among Africans and Afro-Germans.
Operating project by project, we rely on the generous support of our sponsors and partners who have contributed in various forms through donations or volunteering to sustain our selfless work. We see the involvement of all playing a pivotal role in making a real difference in people’s lives.
Our mission of “Helping People” comes to life daily in Germany’s vibrant port city of Hamburg.
Our social counselling system addresses various life aspects for members and those seeking help from diverse backgrounds. Serving as a vital supplement to state resources, we assist in intricate processes such as language support for official matters and cultural mediation during family or school challenges.
Beyond individual support, our initiatives reach broader horizons.
From student tutoring, courses in the digital space to celebrated events like Africa Day, art workshops, business for a, language training, kindergarten services and senior citizen care, we strive to enrich lives through diverse avenues.
IMIC e.V. stands as a beacon, bridging gaps and making a lasting impact in Hamburg and beyond. We provide concrete assistance to immigrants, particularly from African countries, in areas often overlooked by the state.
Our work has left an indelible mark in Germany.
Sylvaina Gerlich’s dedication, from 2008 to 2015, has resulted in over 7,000 social consultations, 3,000 mediations, 850 placements in education, and numerous cultural events. With 40 renowned partners and over 1,050 events, IMIC e.V. continues to represent and uplift the interests of Africans Afro-Germans and all immigrants. Join us in this transformative initiative of empowerment and cultural enrichment.


Contact Us

IMIC e. V. / Interkulturelles Migranten Integrations Center e. V.

Am Neumarkt 30 (Oslo-Haus)

22041 Hamburg-Wandsbek

Tel.: 040-689 499 69

E-Mail: info@imicenter.com


We are open from 13.00 to 18.00 

Monday to Friday.